Thursday, January 8, 2015

Stealth Bomber Guide

For you stealthy types, this handbook on stealth bombers is a must read:

It's well worth the $4.99 that he's asking (and if you want you can get it for free with one of the coupon codes that he has on the order page).

Wingspantt ("The fourth best commentator on youtube") has a series of videos - some hilarious (and reminiscent of my PvP panicked style) that are fun viewing too:

I've tried harassing visitors to a wormhole where I have an alt living - with mostly poor success.  The rascals in their little helioses usually escape after I've done them some damage.  But this guide has given me some ideas of where I was going wrong and what to do to make my nemesis stealth bomber more lethal.

Thanks Wingspantt!